We decided to create the very last scheduler software you’ll ever need. Whether you are an agency owner, consultant, or simply someone who wants to have their calls schedule organized, LogoIpsum is perfect for you.
We were tired of poorly built scheduling software, so we created our own.
We pay all of our affiliates once a month. All the commissions you receive throughout the month, will be sent to you via PayPal, by the 15th of the month for everything generated the month before.
You can also create a passive income at promoting our monthly plans, where we'll send you the 20% of your referrals payments every month for as long as they're paying users.
You can also build a team of affiliates that are bringing in business. You will get 10% of all the payments that they generate for as long as the client is a paying user.
That gives you 2 ways to generate substantial residual revenue.
Just refer new businesses to our program, and we'll send you a new payment every month.
We pay a monthly commission of 20% per every new user you refer to our software. Our current average monthly price is $120. That means that you will get $24 per month for every new referral you get.
When you refer 10 businesses, you will make $240 every month.
And when you refer 100 businesses, you will make $2,400 every month.
If you’re looking to create a brand new source of passive income, Appointment Boost affiliate program is a great way to increase your revenue. And don't forget to sign up to be an affiliate of all our other programs as well.
Inside of your affiliate resources, we’ll give you a full training on the best ways to promote our software, so you can start getting new referrals right now.
Rob Herget has over 30 years of owning his own business. He has the experience to help you be successful. He’s the person you can go to if you ever have any questions, or any problem with your affiliate promotion.
He’ll always be available to help you make as many sales as possible.
You see, we’re not like many affiliate programs out there.
We value and appreciate all of our affiliates more than you can imagine. You’re the fuel of our company, and we’ll always do everything we can to ensure you and your referrals have the best experience with our program.
We’ll give you every resource and training you’ll ever need to be successful in promoting Appointment Boost – even if you have no experience at marketing at all.
When you become an affiliate of Appointment Boost, you become a part of our team, and we’ll treat you as such.
That’s our guarantee.
And we’ve never failed at any of our guarantees.